Contact Us

03 9378 2905


39 Military Road, Avondale Heights

03 9378 2905


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13:12 PM

Can I watch the class?

You're welcome to sit in and observe the first class. It is important to us that your child feels comfortable in the new environment. From that point onwards, Parents, on lookers and siblings are not permitted to watch classes as it is a distraction to the teacher and students. Parents, family and friends will be invited to watch classes during open week.

Can I attend a free trial?

Sorry we do not offer FREE trials. We do however​ offer 'Love it or It's Free' guarantee for your trial. Please also know you are able to attend casually and pay the casual fee each week for as long as you need before making a commitment.


Is there a uniform?

We don't have a compulsory uniform; however we do have a Dance Store on site and stock a range of our customised The Dance Centre clothing range.


Which class do I enrol my child in?

Please choose the style of dance they are showing an interest in and the age-appropriate level for them.

During their first couple of lessons the teacher will assess your child and ensure it is the best option for their age and ability.

Our teachers will also communicate with you should they feel, your child would enjoy a different style of class. We understand that children simply need to try classes before they decide and we are happy to work with you and your child to find the perfect class (and level) for them.


Do you offer make up classes?

No sorry. As our dance teachers and overheads are paid regardless of how many students attend, there is no discount for missed classes. You are paying for a spot in your class. If you are going on an extended overseas holiday, please contact our office and we can discuss options with you. Please understand, there are no credits or deductions for missed classes due to camp, excursions or short family holidays.


Is there a concert?

Yes.  We love putting on performance opportunities for our students so they can showcase their incredible skills and perform in front of their friends and families. Please be assured there is absolutely no pressure to perform or participate. You will be given all of the details in advance and can decide whether or not you and your child would like to participate.


What are your payment options?

Cash, Bank transfer or touch payment with Square.